hpe_nimble_user – Manage the HPE Nimble Storage users.


Manage the users on an HPE Nimble Storage group.


The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.

  • Ansible 2.9 or later
  • NimbleOS 5.0 or later
  • HPE Nimble Storage SDK for Python 1.0.0 or later (nimble-sdk Python module)


auth_password (False, str, None)
Authorization password for changing password.
change_name (False, str, None)
Change name of the existing user.
description (False, str, None)
Description of the user.
disabled (False, bool, False)
User is currently disabled.
email_addr (False, str, None)
Email address of the user.
full_name (False, str, None)
Fully qualified name of the user.
inactivity_timeout (False, int, 0)
The amount of time that the user session is inactive before timing out. A value of 0 indicates that the timeout is taken from the group setting.
name (True, str, None)
Name of the user.
user_password (False, str, None)
User’s login password.
role (False, str, None)
Role of the user. Default is ‘guest’.
state (True, str, None)
The user operation.
unlock (False, bool, False)
Unlock the user.
host (True, str, None)
HPE Nimble Storage IP address.
password (True, str, None)
HPE Nimble Storage password.
username (True, str, None)
HPE Nimble Storage user name.



  • check_mode is not supported.


# if state is create, then create user, fails if it exist or cannot create
# if state is present, then create user if not present, else success
- name: Create user
    host: "{{ host }}"
    username: "{{ username }}"
    password: "{{ password }}"
    name: "{{ name }}"
    description: "{{ description }}"
    state: "{{ state | default('present') }}"

- name: Delete user
    host: "{{ host }}"
    username: "{{ username }}"
    password: "{{ password }}"
    name: "{{ name }}"
    state: "absent"

- name: Unlock user
    host: "{{ host }}"
    username: "{{ username }}"
    password: "{{ password }}"
    name: "{{ name }}"
    state: "present"
    unlock: true


  • This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]
  • This module is maintained by community.
